02 8824 4363


Are you an employer?

Posted by Team AVS on 24 May, 2024  0 Comments

If you're an employer, it’s time to review your end of financial year (EOFY) employer tax and super obligations.

As an employer, it’s important you keep on top of your payroll governance. This includes:

using your tax and super software to record the amounts you pay
withholding the right amount of tax
calculating super guarantee (SG) correctly.

As 30 June gets closer, check your employer reporting obligations, along with any u

Tax schemes aren’t worth the risk

Posted by Team AVS on 14 May, 2024  0 Comments

The ATO takes unlawful tax schemes very seriously and we continue our focus on deterring and disrupting promoters.

I recently posted this article about unlawful tax schemes on my LinkedIn. The ATO takes unlawful tax schemes very seriously and we continue our focus on deterring and disrupting promoters of unlawful tax schemes.

As the Deputy Commissioner of Private Wealth (Behaviors of Concern), a priority of my area is to identify, disrupt,

Disclaimer : All the content (including Blogs, newsletters, Fact sheets, calculators etc.) provided on this website is general information only and is neither intended to nor be considered personal financial or taxation advice. The content has been prepared without taking into account your personal circumstances, financial situation or objectives. In making any financial, investment or taxation decision, information provided on this website should not be relied upon and you should seek personal advice. AVS Business Services Pty Ltd disclaims any responsibility for any decision that you make, based on the information provided on this website.All the information provided on this website is prepared in good faith and based on AVS’s knowledge and understanding of superannuation, taxation and other relevant laws and is believed to be correct at the time of writing the information. However as the laws, being dynamic by nature, keeps on changing, you should not rely on the information provided on this website without first obtaining advice from qualified professional.