02 8824 4363


What you need to know about trust distribution resolutions?

Posted by Team AVS on 16 Aug, 2019  0 Comments

An essential starting point for consideration of trust income and how that income is to be distributed is to look at the trust deed. This very central document sets out the rules and expectations for the governance and operation of the trust and the powers that can be exercised by the trustee.

There is a certain level of external regulation of trustees, in that each state and territory has its own trustees’ act, however in a practical sense

Small businesses need to get “active” to pay less tax

Posted by Team AVS on 7 Aug, 2019  0 Comments

For small business owners who are disposing of assets that have risen in value during the time they have owned and used them in their business, accessing one or more of the available small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions can greatly reduce any consequent tax liability.

Indeed, many small business owners find they can reduce possible CGT liabilities to zero. For example, you can reduce the capital gain on an active asset by 50%, an

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